Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, as it is known. At Texas Colon & Rectal Specialists (TCRS), our physicians work to help our IBD patients achieve more personal freedom and prevent IBD flare-ups.

Offering Individualized Care and Treatment

TCRS works closely with you to create a highly individualized treatment plan based on the type and severity of the symptoms. Treatment options may include dietary changes, medications and, in some cases, surgery. If surgery is necessary, TCRS physicians are experts in laparoscopic procedures to cure or relieve IBD symptoms. The following procedures performed by TCRS specialists are just three examples of our expertise:

Laparoscopic Small Bowel Surgery
A small bowel resection is surgery to remove a diseased section of the small intestine. The laparoscopic technique involves small incisions and faster recovery. In this procedure, the diseased section of the small intestine is stapled and removed, then the two bowel ends are reattached using staples.

Laparoscopic J-Pouch Surgery
This procedure can often “cure” those patients with ulcerative colitis as well as eliminate their risk of colorectal cancer. The J-pouch procedure is the common name used for the operation that removes the entire colon and rectum, and replaces the rectum with a neorectum, or new rectum, which is a pouch made from the last portion of the small intestine and connected to the anus.

Laparoscopic Restorative Proctocolectomy
Restorative proctocolectomy is a standard treatment for advanced IBD. TCRS surgeons typically perform this technique via a laparoscopic, or minimally invasive approach, while most surgeons often use an open approach, requiring a much larger incision.

Crohn’s Disease vs. Ulcerative Colitis

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are so similar they are often mistaken for one another. Both are chronic inflammation in the lining of the digestive tract, but Crohn’s disease can spread deep into the layers of affected tissues while ulcerative colitis usually affects only the innermost lining of the colon and rectum.

Understanding CROHN’s DISESE

Crohn’s disease may affect the GI tract anywhere from the mouth to the anus. However, the ileocecal region, the last part of the small bowel with the first part of the colon, is most commonly affected. Treated primarily with medicine, surgery is typically needed at some point in the course of Crohn’s disease.

A severe flare of Crohn’s may require hospitalization and emergency surgery. Crohn’s disease in the colon does carry an increase risk for colon cancer.

Understanding Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis involves the rectum and some, or all, of the colon. A severe flare of ulcerative colitis may require hospitalization, and if the disease cannot be controlled medically, then surgery is necessary. Ulcerative colitis is curable with surgery by removing the entire colon and rectum.

In most cases, a permanent ileostomy can be prevented by the construction of a pouch made out of small bowel and connected to the anus, called a J-Pouch. Ulcerative colitis does carry an increased risk of colon cancer. Sometimes surgery is recommended based on the duration of the disease or abnormal changes in the lining of the colon called dysplasia that make the risk of colon cancer too high to continue to follow the patient’s medical treatment.

Let a TCRS Specialist Diagnose Your Issue

Symptoms that Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis may share include: abdominal pain, fever, bleeding, and diarrhea. With Crohn’s disease, some people develop inflammation in their anal region, which may be mistaken for other diseases. Laboratory tests, endoscopic procedures and radiology tests are used to diagnose IBD. Your colorectal specialist can help you determine the best course of action for diagnosis and treatment.

Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA)

TCRS continues to partner with the CCFA in efforts to raise money and increase awareness of IBD related diseases. We believe the first step to creating more awareness is community involvement and currently TCRS sponsors community initiatives such as the Annual “Take Steps Walk” and the North Texas Patient Half Day Conference. Please help us “take steps” toward a cure and get involved. Visit for more information on upcoming events.

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, call 1-877-275-8277 or the TCRS location nearest you to get on the road to freedom.